Outdoor Adventures: Explore History with the New Quincy Walking Tour App

Introducing the Upgraded Quincy Walking Tour

This week’s outdoor adventure takes you through the charming streets of Quincy, Florida, on the Historic Quincy Walking Tour. Recently, Quincy Main Street unveiled a significant upgrade to this beloved tour by introducing a new app, now available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. This app transforms your walking tour experience, offering location detection to automatically play the correct history for each building you visit.

From Booklets to High-Tech

If you remember the old booklet version of the walking tour, you’re in for a treat. The new app is a huge upgrade, featuring audio that plays detailed histories and expanded information on each building, with new sites added to the tour. The app also includes a map function that plots all the houses and buildings. Each pin on the map displays a thumbnail and the name of the building, which you can tap to see the full entry or play the audio.


Three Distinct Districts to Explore

The tour is divided into three sections: the Commercial District, the Eastern Residential District, and the Western Residential District. Each section can be downloaded separately, and you can browse photos and short histories and descriptions of each building. Whether you’re at the location or planning your tour from home, the app’s audio guides make the experience accessible and informative.

Customize Your Adventure

One of the best features of the new app is the flexibility it offers. You can start and stop the tour at any time, tailoring the length and pace of your activity to fit your schedule. This makes it an ideal adventure for both quick outings and leisurely afternoons. The tour encourages a new appreciation for the buildings and homes you might pass every day, as you learn about their history and the stories of their previous residents.

Discover Fascinating Histories

With the app, you’ll uncover fascinating details such as which building in the Commercial District was once an opera house and the original home of the Quincy State Bank. In the Eastern Residential District, you’ll find the oldest African American church, built in 1867, with magnificent stained glass windows donated by a famous physician. Over in the Western Residential District, discover a Queen Anne home that was among the first to have a telephone installed in 1898.

Health Benefits of Walking Tours

Walking is one of the best activities for your health, and the Quincy Walking Tour app enhances this exercise by providing engaging content along the way. The app offers little breaks as you stop to listen to the histories, making it feel like you’re walking with a knowledgeable friend. Even a short walk can improve your fitness and well-being, and this tour provides the perfect combination of physical activity and mental stimulation.


Download the App and Start Your Journey

Ready to embark on this historical adventure? Download the Quincy Walking Tour app from the links below to the Apple or Google app store. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, this app offers a delightful way to explore Quincy’s rich history while enjoying the outdoors. Happy walking and happy learning!


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