Building Community Through Stories and Kindness:  

In the heart of downtown Quincy sits The White Rabbit Market—a store that feels like stepping into a luxurious home. The inviting aroma of coffee and candles plus high-end decor items greets visitors, making it clear that this is a place where beauty and comfort intersect. Yet, beyond its stylish exterior, The White Rabbit Market stands out for something even more valuable: its commitment to enriching the community through events that promote reading, kindness, and a sense of togetherness.

Store owners John and Robby Hinson have always envisioned their store as more than just a retail space. Their passion for community improvement is evident in the quality events they host, which give back to Quincy in meaningful ways.

Today’s event was a story time that featured local author Gabrielle Smith, who shared her heartwarming book, “Tsuki and the Crabby Pants,” with about a dozen children from the Gadsden Art Center’s Summer Camp Program. The event began with a warm welcome from Robby Hinson, who invited the children to sit on a picnic blanket at the front of the store and enjoy a snack. Gabrielle then introduced them to Tsuki, the main character of her story—a calico cat she had adopted while living in Japan.

Gabrielle Smith, Author Tsuki and the Crabby Pants

The children were captivated as Gabrielle read, each holding a copy of the book she had generously provided. Tsuki’s tale of learning to choose happiness over crabbiness resonated deeply with the young audience. Gabrielle’s storytelling was not just about the words on the page; it was about sharing the love and kindness she embodies. She took the time to answer questions, show pictures of the real Tsuki, and engage with each child individually, making them feel valued and heard.



One of the most inspiring aspects of Gabrielle’s visits is her dedication to ensuring every child receives a book of their own. She asks only that hosts donate to a charity of their choice, fostering a culture of giving. For this event, The White Rabbit Market chose to support Big Dog Rescue. In July, their contributions will go to The Leon County Humane Society.

The story time concluded with hugs and smiles, as the children left not only with a new book but also with lessons about kindness, empathy, and the joy of reading. Events like these at the White Rabbit Market are more than just activities; they are building blocks for a stronger, more connected community.

John and Robby Hinson’s vision for Quincy includes more than just story times. They are planning additional events such as cooking classes and adult book signings. This October, they will sponsor a unique event in Quincy—a historical tour featuring costumed actors from Quincy Music Theater, bringing to life the stories of those buried in one of the town’s historic cemeteries. Scheduled around Halloween, this spooky yet educational event will be a testament to their dedication to community engagement and historical preservation.

The White Rabbit Market and Gabrielle Smith exemplify how small actions can create ripples of positivity throughout a community. By fostering a love of reading, celebrating local talent, and supporting charitable causes, they are not just enhancing Quincy—they are inspiring it. Through their efforts, they show that doing good in the community is a story worth telling again and again.


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